Price of services:
60 EUR
«Drawing up horoscope»

The task of synastric astrology is to indicate a compatibility in a relationship between people of different zodiac signs. One of the directions of such astrology is the compilation of children's horoscopes.

An appearance of a child in a family is always a joyful and significant event. A children's horoscope itself may be constructed long before the birth of a baby and is composed according to the planned date of the child's birth. The difficulties of compiling such a horoscope can arise only when a planned date of birth falls at an intersection of two zodiac signs.

Synastric astrology will help to understand the nature of a baby, his talents and addictions. These characteristics don’t depend on the child's genetics; the Universe gives a baby in advance a certain set of qualities and characteristics forming an individual character.


Tasks and features of a children's horoscope construction

A horoscope is a chart of a child, which may help parents to understand their child better. Horoscope allows to understand how to smooth out the roughness in the relationship with children. After all, if you know where to start, a right approach to every child may be found.

Children's horoscope makes an education process not an everyday torture, but a pleasure of communicating with a child.

A child birth horoscope is also an additional indicator of a spiritual growth of a child. Revealing secrets inherent in a birth, you will learn about the abilities and talents of a child, learn to understand his inner world and share his interests.

Having the right information, you will never find yourself faced with a complex choice:

  • will allow the child to go his own way, turning into a highly spiritual person;
  • will not insist on your will, forbidding your child to make his own choices and assess the situation.

Please remember that your child is your continuation. A child is not a copy, and moreover not a property of his parents. Each person, coming to this world, will have his own life, make his own decisions, experience personal ills and joys. Parents can’t live a life of their child, their task is to accept a child as he is.

Misunderstanding from the side of the parents, which may appear in early childhood, will negatively affect the development of child's personality. Especially acute conflicts start in awkward age. The result is a crisis in relations between parents and children. Children's horoscope will avoid such situations, come to mutual understanding and harmony in communication with a child during all stages of his maturation.


Children's horoscope made by a professional psychologist

Hereditary clairvoyant and strongest magician Helena will make for you a detailed children's horoscope, using the knowledge of synastric astrology. To order a horoscope, please call a contact phone stated on our site, or fill out a feedback form.

I will not only compose a horoscope for your child, but also will conduct a qualified consultation on issues of your interest.

Why child's horoscope is important?

  • It allows to better understand your child (what are his interests, what talents and hidden potential does he have).
  • It will allow to know why the child behaves such a way in a certain situation, what should be paid special attention to achieve harmony in communicating with the child, and how to avoid conflict situations.
  • It will allow to look at the child in a new way;
  • It makes possible to realize what’s wrong in your communication with a child.

Why do people address me?

  • I’m a professional astrologer, my work experience is more than 15 years.
  • I provide assistance both in-person and remotely.
  • I work under a contract having a legal force.
  • I correct errors of unfair magicians.

Provenca–Diagonal station, Barcelona, Spain.

+34 684 14 87 54

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