Healing from drug addiction

Healing from drug addiction

Dear visitors of my web-site mag-salon.com and my regular subscribers,

Today I would like to talk about healing from drug addiction with the help of magical powers, and about what the curse on drug addiction is. Besides I’ll give you a couple of tips and recommendations.

Nowadays, drug addiction is a huge problem. So people address not only traditional medicine, but also folk remedies. Any harmless fun may be a cause of big troubles. It’s quite easy to try some drug at a party, in a club, or with your friends. It may give a feeling of strength, freedom, and happiness. Addiction can happen very quickly. The stronger the drug is, the faster a person becomes its slave. It destroys not only the body, but also the soul. You may save yourself or your beloved one. Rituals or conspiracies against drug addiction, which heal the soul and strengthen the will may help you. It may be the last chance to back to a normal life, work, and family.

Even if a person has a very strong will, a drug may destroy it. The biggest danger is that we become slaves of our desires. Drugs often give just a sensation, but we may desire it the most, such as:

- freedom;

- love and happiness;

- strength;

- sexual energy;

- the beauty of the world, and perception enhancing.

Adolescents, children, and even intelligent adults may be at the end of a line. We know that drugs are dangerous and lead to misfortune and death. But sometimes we forget it just to have some fun. But it leads to a sad end. The soul, the willpower, and the inner energy may be destroyed. There is no possibility to resist such a misfortune. A person desires more and more, and becomes capable to make the evilest, dirtiest and vicious things to get a new dose of drugs. This is the death of the soul.

The curse on drug addiction

The curse on drug addiction is not uncommon. It folds a person without any chance of recovery. Such a curse has several symptoms. It may be spelled by a very strong magician, and it’s very hard to brake it. Actually it’s a death curse, as drug addiction leads to death. A person gives up, and ceases to pay attention to family, work, and life. He is completely absorbed by negative energy. If you or your relative was suddenly turned to drugs or alcohol, then think over, who is able to wish you such an evil?

How to find out that a person was cursed on drug addiction?

There are several symptoms which may help distinguish regular addiction from induced one. Consider how many of them a person suffering from drug addiction may have:

- pale skin

- dilated or shrined pupils

- change of articulation (slow, incoherent or fast speech)

- changes in appetite (loss of appetite or, conversely, a morbid hunger)

- coordination of movements change (unsteadiness, uncertain gait, deterioration of reaction)

- loss of interest in previous hobbies

- sleep disorder (most often an insomnia)

- frequent requests for money

- disappearance of valuables from the house

- a person became addicted very quickly, literally after the first dose of the substance

- an addiction is very strong

- a person tells that he has a deep sleep, and that in the dreams he sees only horrible creatures who cause pain to his body

- sometimes there are signs of consciousness when a person desperately asks for help

- an addiction happens suddenly, and a person himself cannot explain why he was looking for drugs, and has started to take it.

In addition, drugs weaken the immune system, which leads to frequent diseases, joint and muscle pain, and blood pressure jumps.

Everything allows to suggest that there is a conscious control and a systematic destruction of the mind. It’s useless to encode such a disease. It will return again and again until it completely destroys a patient. It’s necessary to fight for salvation using energy methods: rituals and conspiracies.

A ritual in case of shakes

If a person has seriously considered to stop using drugs, he should pass through some terrible moments called shakes. It’s a painful feeling, when it seems that the whole body is torn, broken and cut. Usually it happens when a person stops using drugs. Without getting a dose, a person will have to endure such a suffering. When a person has voluntary decided to reject the substance, he chooses the path to cleanse the body. A person may suffer from such shakes several times, but gradually a poison will leave the body. You may help speed this process and alleviate suffering. Say the prayers in the evening before bedtime. Wipe a forehead of a drug abuser with a clean towel (then this towel should be burned). So you may help both your magician and drug abuser.

Return to normal life

It’s almost impossible to return to normal life immediately. It will take some time. Close people and friends should support the healed one. People often turn away from those who was got to the hospital with drug addiction. Doctors advise to:

- spend more time with other people, don’t be afraid of them

- go to church, christen if you aren’t a Christian

- pray to your saint

- make new acquaintances, visit support groups

- try spiritual practices, yoga or meditation.

If you have been cursed, then recovery will be easier. You will quickly return to normal life; your sleep will get better.

Rituals and conspiracies not only heal from addiction, but may save one’s life. Don’t neglect this opportunity, try traditional methods of treatment. Some people think that it’s impossible to heal a person completely using traditional methods. A subconscious addiction may remain in the head. Rituals and spells may remove all negative programs, and purify the mind. Your strong will and a good ritual are the best and the most powerful weapon against such a contagion.

Remember, that drug addiction treatment is a process which requires several sessions, as well as a lot of strength, energy, patience, endurance and time.


Now, a couple of questions from my readers.

- How quickly healing from drug addiction ritual begins to act?

A ritual of healing from drug addiction is a complex ritual, since you need a lot of strength and energy, experience and knowledge to cure a person, and to pull him out of such a swamp. A ritual itself begins to act not earlier than 2-4 weeks. Everything depends on an individual situation.

- How long does the effect of healing from drug addiction ritual may last?

According to my own experience, in average it may last from 3 to 5 years. Of course, everything will depend on how hard the case is, how strong the addiction is, the age of a person, his or her willpower, general health, etc. But in any case, it will be better to repeat this ritual every 4-5 years, depending on the condition of the healed person.

- How to protect yourself from drugs?

It’s possible to give a direct and a very simple reply.

Learn to build life without artificial means influencing on your mind. You should find your own way without smoking, alcohol and drugs. Be self-confident, and mature without such bad things.

Never allow others to manipulate you, including to provoke to use drugs. Learn to say “No!” to any provocateur.

You should have a lot of interesting things, hobbies and friends. That's when the thought of using drugs will never come to your mind!

Learn to feel joy without artificial chemical means. Try to get it from your own and your friends’ success and achievements.

Start to mobilize your personal potential as early as possible. Become successful in school, career, and family.

Become familiar with scientific facts about the drug problem, and never trust the information obtained from drug-users.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Love them and be loved! Remember, that the trust, care and understanding are the basis of strong relationships.


Sincerely with love,

Magician Helena

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