The magic of candles. Candle rituals and casting

At the seminars every student will learn how to conduct candle magic rituals, starting from the creation of an altar and ending by making candles on your own. You will learn how to prepare for such a ritual, when and what time it is best to perform it in order to increase the effectiveness, which candles are suitable for this.

You can also make several candles with your own hands, and then use each of them in rituals.

Candles made with your own hands are different from purchased ones. They are composed of a mixture of herbs collected according to witchcraft recipes. They have magical powers. The ritual is quite simple: you should light a candle at exactly the right time in the right place. And then the embedded program will make an effect.

Learning formats:

  • Group (4-6 people) and individually. Venue Barcelona
  • Distance learning (groups of 4-6 people or individually). Conducted via Skype, WhatsApp and other programs.

Free training session is provided!

Choice of the date and time

The training workshop lasts 9 hours. Options for time and days in full-time or part-time format:

  • 3 meetings for 3 hours each from 18.00 till 21.00 with frequency 2-3 times a week
  • 3 meetings for 3 hours from 12.00 till 15.00 - frequency 1 time per week on Saturdays.

Date and time options for distance learning:

  • 3 lessons of 3 hours

Time is discussed with teacher individually.

At the end of the seminar, students receive an international certificate.

Types of candles

There are many candles with magical powers.

Thin candles or columns of different shades burn different. They are used in those rituals where there is no need to divide into seven obligatory parts. Column candles are better suited for long-term activities. Candles in glass also have amazing powers. Thin dipped candles are intended mainly for short rituals, as they burn for a maximum of 1 hour.

Animal fat is often used as a material for manufacturing. This is a kind of "sacrifice" and efficiency enhancer of the spell. In rituals such candles act like usual. But the fact that someone's life was taken to create them makes the spell itself much stronger.

The greatest success can be achieved with triple or double action candles. This is a so-called self-sustaining system with clearly defined goals.

There is one more type of candles - astral. They are made individually for the zodiac signs.

The color of the candle matters. In this case, painting should be done through the whole candle, not just be painted on top. Often candles of two or three colors are taken for magic. For example, to enhance the ritual of the victory of good over evil, it is great to use black and white candles. There are also candles with three colors - green-white-red. They should be lit in order to achieve success in business or for the blessing from the right person.

Based on this, we conclude: before choosing a candle, it is necessary to decide which purpose is pursued during the ritual.

The benefits of candles in magic

Candles are known for their amazing properties for many centuries in a row. They symbolize fire. This is the element that relieves and crushes. Candles and fire are a fairly strong combination in rituals, they have many advantages. But their main feature is the speed of achieving the goal and the incredible effectiveness of the ritual.

The use of candles helps to enhance the process and the result. They activate your personal energy and release it while they burn. Candles vary in color, shape, material, size. Herbs and aromatics are very important for the ritual. Each color possesses specific abilities and emits the desired vibrations, attracting specific actions. Using the candle of right color, you can achieve greater effect of magical action.

Oils, herbs, talismans, symbols carved into wax will enhance the effect.

Course Description

The program consists of the following lessons:

1 lesson

  • Effect of wax on natural magic.

The magic abilities of candles, analysis, diagnosis, prediction or corrective actions are studied.

  • Ritual circle.

Actions for protection with wax (conspiracies, interception, pre-ritual alignment).

  • Materials for manufacturing, shapes, height and thickness, time of the action, colors, stones, herbs, etc.
  • Correct use and safety precautions.
  • Organization of the workspace, a selection of devices and materials.
  • Creation of rolled candles using foundation.

2 lesson

  • Candle meditation - trataka. The stage of entering the alpha rhythm, the end of the dialogue inside oneself.
  • Casting wax candles (on request).
  • Study of the types of candles: seven-day, target, ritual, cast, dipped, triple or double action, altar.
  • Candle of Hecate, Witch's
  • Charging and cleaning processes.

3 lesson

  • Simple predictions (yes or no) on candlesticks.
  • Identification of problems in relationships - personal, work, between parents and children, health.
  • Revealing the negative with a candle.
  • Correct reading of the result using candlestick workouts.

Attention! The tools, materials, oils and herbs necessary for making candles provided by the master are free.


    Provenca–Diagonal station, Barcelona, Spain.

    +34 684 14 87 54

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