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60 EUR
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Children are most susceptible to the negative impact of dark energies and essences. This effect can be the main cause of children’s illness. Conventional medication treatment in such cases doesn’t help, and an intervention of a healer or hereditary clairvoyant is required, which will allow to determine an exact reason of the problem.

Causes of children’s diseases:

  • An evil eye. Not always it may be conscious and purposeful. For this reason, some parents often hide their children from extraneous views, which may not always be benevolent.
  • Corruption. Black sorcerers and witches may make such a corruption directed to the children. A customer of such an evil ritual may envy the successful life of the parents of a child, be a rival (the goal is to harm a husband or a wife), or simply envy that a person has a beautiful and healthy baby.
  • Curse. A generic curse is often a cause of an appearance of children’s ailments. Such a negative program is inherited, and very often may lead to a negative outcome.
  • Negative emotions. Fears, stresses, psychological traumas also may cause children’s chronic diseases.


Features of children’s diseases healing

Before starting treatment, the healer conducts diagnostics aimed at studying a mental and physical state of a patient. Such a diagnosis can reveal what was a cause of a disease, and what program is needed to treat it.

In children’s diseases healing four levels of exposure may be used:

  • Physical body healing - treatment with herbs, decoctions, special ointments.
  • Ritual level - the impact on an ailment through special rituals. A healer may ask for assistance higher or lower forces. Blocking of a karmic impact on a child.
  • Working with a biofield - only an experienced magician, hereditary healer-psychic is able to remove negative energy programs from the child's biofield.
  • Working with the cause of a disease is one of the most difficult stages in healing. A magician fights with a very cause of a disease.

Symptoms of negative energy impact on a child:

  • a child becomes less active, apathetic, listless;
  • there is irritation, depressive conditions;
  • a child becomes less sociable, an appetite disappears;
  • a child may express an aggression towards others.


Qualified help of a magician

Hereditary clairvoyant and strongest magician Helena will help in a healing of children’s diseases. I work with children from 0 to 18 years old. I help to cope with various manifestations of ailments and chronic diseases (cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory systems, gastrointestinal tract, neurological diseases and other diseases).

My rituals are absolutely safe for the health of a child and don’t affect the psyche.

A treatment will not only get rid of the disease, but also:

  • get rid of a negative impact of black energy programs;
  • recharge with pure energy of light;
  • get rid of bad mood, stress or depression.

I may also propose to make for you and your child an individual amulet that will protect you from the negative and will have a beneficial effect on your physical health.

Why do people address me?

  • I help both in-person and remotely. I may render assistance by photo.
  • Work more than 15 years. I provide treatment of men and women of all ages. It doesn’t matter where you live. I work with customers from the European Union and other countries.
  • I alter the work of unfair magicians, correct mistakes of amateurs.
  • I work under an official contract.

You may find more information and make an appointment for a treatment over the phone indicated on our website or over a corresponding feedback form.

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