Customer reviews about psychic Elena. Mag Elena from Barcelona.
It took me a long time to leave my feedback about working with Elena from Barcelona due to many circumstances, but after overcoming the barrier and agreeing with myself, I decided that others should know about my problem and how I overcame it. I'm 35 years old, I couldn't find a boyfriend for a long time, and then when a guy appeared in my life, I didn't get married, my first relationship was at the age of 18, in my first year of university. I've had almost 6 such relationships in 17 years, because the last relationship was more a hobby than something serious. But the first five were always serious, they lived together, built a life, had plans for the future, but each time it didn't come to the wedding, everything was interrupted. It brought me to tears, I sat in my closet and quietly cried alone. Until my aunt noticed it, she suggested contacting Elena. For a long time I suspected that everything was wrong in my life, but I didn't know how to fix it. But when I turned to the magician Elena, she almost immediately found out that I was wearing the evil eye and at the same time the crown of celibacy. She proposed to conduct two rituals with an interval of two weeks: the first is a ritual to remove the evil eye, and the second is a ritual to remove the crown of celibacy. The services were not too expensive for me, I agreed and paid. A month later, a man appeared whom I really fell in love with, and a month later he unexpectedly proposed to me to become his wife. Thanks to the help of this magician, I finally found hope for happiness and I recommend Elena and her abilities to everyone.
2025-01-20 10:45:00
Hi everybody. The weather is nice outside, and I am in a rush of emotions and joy, in a wonderful mood, writing my review. I wish you all the best and good luck in your family life, but most importantly, good health! My story is about me, my husband, and our long-term marriage. It all started out great. We met and everything was fine, we loved each other very, very much. Then we rented an apartment and started living together. They wanted and planned to buy children and a dog. There were children and a puppy. Then we bought our own apartment. Kindergartens, schools, universities and nerves, nerves, nerves. But we are together and we support each other. Everyone was happy, having fun together, and it went on like this for 15 years. It was the happiest time for me, but at one point my husband changed. He became kind of cold, started ignoring me, he didn't have the warmth and tenderness like before. There were some new acquaintances and acquaintances. He was moving away from me. He began to disappear and rarely appeared at home. Almost every appearance was accompanied by quarrels and swearing. I realized that he was no longer mine or with me, we had drifted apart. On the advice of a friend, she turned to non–standard ways to solve the situation - a specialist in magic. I went to Elena's website and got on the phone. We discussed my case with her, and she told us why everything was happening the way it was. Elena solved my situation in 2 sessions. She first conducted a diagnosis for all kinds of evil eyes and spoilage, including lapels, and then a week later she conducted a lapel ritual against rivals, and the next day a ritual to protect against infidelity in the family. After 2 weeks, our family was reunited and strengthened. My husband is completely mine, just like in the old days. We continue to live together and are both happy. I write and cry with happiness. Elena, thank you so much!
2025-01-16 06:15:00
I will try not to write much, as I am not a fan of exposing my personal life to the public. So, for a long time I sought the attention of one man. We've known each other for a long time, but we still can't get his attention. But as soon as we got a little closer, another girl intervened and he went to her. It was a shame, it was very hard, I couldn't believe it for a long time, I dreamed it was a dream. It was such a pain. Such a blow.... Elena became my last hope and she fulfilled my expectations. Since the situation wasn't too complicated, she suggested a Quick spell. I agreed without even thinking and didn't regret it for a second. Girls, he's back in exactly three weeks, as promised! Exactly three weeks! I was in complete shock, I was just crying with happiness! He's become so gentle and caring, I'm just a princess in his eyes. He offered me to build a family with him, and we started living together. Elena, thank you for giving people happiness and love! May your kindness return to you three times! If you need specialist help, write to her. She is a wonderful person! If it wasn't for her, I would have done all sorts of stupid things and lost him forever. I am very grateful to her. I applied on my sister's advice. You're great, sis. Now only to Elena, only to her, and without hesitation, you are the best!
2025-01-08 13:12:30
Hello! I would like to tell you my life situation. Somehow I began to notice that my boyfriend doesn't communicate with me very often and well, and his behavior wants the best, no care, no tenderness, no affection, and just no banal attention. He often started disappearing at work. I once got into my phone and saw a conversation with a girl from work. There was nothing like that, but he was being nice to her. He's rude and unpleasant to me, but here it's the other way around. And all this against the background of the fact that in three months we had a planned wedding. And so they quarreled once again, the temperature at home began to heat up. My neighbor is aware of my situation and once, after one of his escapades, she told me to turn to a magician. but! I kept denying it and laughing it off, but when he overstepped his bounds, I decided it was the best way out. I came across Elena's ad on one of the Internet sites. I decided to go. She told me everything very accurately, about my life and relationships, about my work. It turned out that the guy was wearing a love spell. At that moment, I was already shaking with anger and jealousy. At first, Elena performed a ritual on the lapel of this estranged wife from my husband. The result appeared two weeks later, but in order for it all to really work, as discussed earlier, Elena conducted a Black Wedding ritual so that the relationship would improve and the wedding would take place. The guy began to treat me more warmly, more tenderly and caring, to pay attention. There were topics for communication, leisure time was diversified, and we began to do together what we loved in our youth – to walk in the park and ride bicycles together. After the last ritual, everything started to get better at home. The guy is always with me now, we often spend time together, and yes, we're getting married in a week. I am very glad that I asked for help at the right time. Thanks a lot to Elena.
2025-01-02 13:12:03
I would like to share my experience with Elena. By the will of fate, I was left without a job and could not find a suitable one. At the same time, I have a family, a wife and a child. I understand all the responsibility I have for providing for my loved ones and relatives. The fear of the situation itself is that I couldn't find a job for a long time, it's about six months, and the whole family wants to eat, plus I have to pay for other obligations. And money was sorely lacking, I had to go to various part-time jobs not in my main specialization: loader, handyman, driver, etc., so as not to starve to death. At the same time, I managed to send out and go to various vacancies from job exchange websites, somewhere I was invited, somewhere I asked for it myself for six months, and then another six months, and then another, it took a long time, when one terrible day I got into an accident and that's it.... There was no money at all for normal treatment, medicines, or new car parts. I've been sitting in apathy all night and crying, I'm a man.. And it happens. After this incident, the next day, when my family visited me, my wife told me that she had come across an advertisement on Elena's website. And she suggested that we try to apply. It won't get any worse anyway. I hesitated for several days, thinking that it was some kind of nonsense. But three days later I emailed Elena. Within a few hours, they answered me and offered to call me. Elena listened to me and offered to perform 2 rituals. One is to remove the evil eye, someone jinxed me well, and the second ritual is to help me find employment and climb the career ladder. The result was not long in coming. It took Elena only one month to radically change my life. I was invited by many companies, but I chose the best one with the best working conditions. My family and I are very happy and excited. I thank Elena for helping me with an important aspect of my life.
2024-12-27 06:45:00
Eh... I didn't really want to remember my story, but I'm telling it for those who might encounter this, then immediately contact Elena and don't think of anything else to do. Just Elena and her abilities. So I was faced with the betrayal of a loved one and, as it seemed to me, with my best friend, she was my work colleague, we worked together for about 5 years, from the very beginning of the organization's opening. We went through a lot of things together, but we couldn't get over it and broke up. I caught them together in a nightclub, first dancing and then kissing. The pain I experienced is difficult to convey. It hurt so much inside... Then, everything started to collapse at an accelerated pace, and I was fired from my job...I was in despair, everything that I had been building for so long, relationships and career collapsed in a couple of weeks. But when a billboard almost fell on me, and some force saved me, I realized that all this was not happening to me because of a coincidence. It's because of something stronger. I started looking for what was wrong, turned to religion, but it just made me feel bad, nothing helped me. I told myself that I didn't want to live like this anymore and that I would change everything for the better. I found Elena on the Internet through advertising. We called and discussed everything. Elena immediately said that I couldn't find my place in this world, and that's how things work out in life. She lost her love, suffered betrayal from her friend, and was fired from her job. The work was carried out remotely. Elena strongly recommended making two amulets, the main thing in this pair was an amulet for love and fidelity, in addition there was an amulet "Five Blessings", which she said to wear so that everything would get better in life, attract positive energy, and help in the search for her life. A month later, my man returned to me, I forgave him and specifically set the condition for a relationship to continue without cheating. That's basically what happened, we've been doing well for six months now, he's become more responsible in his relationship with me, and the second amulet helps me in life, she's getting better, she's got a new job. I am grateful to Elena for all that she has done for me!
2024-12-23 06:45:00
My beloved man asked me to leave this review. He is a modest man, but he suggested that I go to Elena's website and write everything as it is. Let it help other people. I want to share my impressions of working with the magician Elena. She helped me establish a relationship with a man, improved my work, cleaned my aura and restored my biofield. It all started with a relationship- a relationship with my beloved man. Everything happened suddenly, and our relationship began to fade. We've grown cold towards each other. They began to spend little time together, and generally communicate. The intimate side also desired the best. And then, additionally, at work, the new boss began to arrange a circus. Because of this, both my promotion and my salary were at risk. It was necessary to work hard to earn good money, and if at first it was still tolerable, then later it became unbearable. And in a sense, there was a struggle with the new authorities, arguments, and sometimes swearing. The whole team suffered from one arrogant woman. but no one could do anything, as the company's management expressed sympathy for the methods of the new boss. I felt a loss of strength, apathy and depression appeared. Problems began in the family. I couldn't resist such pressure from all sides for a long time. I got hooked on antidepressants, they affected my female health. I told myself to stop and said that I was changing everything to hell. I came across the website of Elena, a magician from Barcelona, via the Internet. I sat on her website, thought about it, and decided that I would do just that - I would turn to her for help. I wrote back to her. Within 2 hours, I received a reply letter, where Elena wrote back that I needed to put my life in order and that she would help me with this. We discussed the working conditions. And we agreed that after the payment, Elena will immediately start working. I paid for the services during the day. The next day, Elena performed a ritual, cleaned my aura, restored my biofield, and gave me some advice for the future. Within a month, my life went downhill))). I was very happy to see the results of Elena's work. And I would like to add that there are still people who can work miracles, and Elena is one of them. Heartfelt thanks to Elena for her help!
2024-12-19 03:37:00
Now I can say for sure that I have breathed a sigh of relief and am writing this review with a clear head. I never believed that using non–standard ways in life you can solve problems, but when everything collapses, your personal business is shaken, plus you find out that your boyfriend turned out to be a gambler, the money started to run out and he started taking it out of my business under various pretexts. I couldn't sit and wait for him to destroy everything, I'm not that kind of person, and I decided that I needed to do something about it and not give up. We've been everywhere with him, doctors, psychologists, and some kind of courses, and we've tried a lot of things, until I came across an advertisement for Elena. I typed, talked, and discussed everything. We had a nice chat with Elena. I told her everything about everything, described the problem that I had to face in my life. Elena replied that she had been working with these problems for a long time and it would not be difficult for her to help me. We agreed on three sessions. At the first session, she performed a diagnosis. She had to spend a lot of energy on my beloved. And only after the second and third sessions, Elena performed a ritual to cure Gambling addiction in two stages. So after these two sessions, my beloved stopped playing after about a month. Six months later, my business, my favorite business, leveled off, and there was a steady flow of customers and money. Now I'm thinking about expanding and hiring new staff. I am very grateful to Elena for all this. She helped me a lot. Good luck with your work, Elena.
2024-12-11 05:45:00
Good evening, everyone. For the first time in my life, I decided to leave a review. I'm a closed person, but here I have a real event. For two years I've been wandering around looking for someone who will figure out what's really wrong with me. I am a successful woman, I inherited a family business from my mother. But happiness is not about money! As soon as the thought crossed my mind that I was 40, and I was alone, with no family or children, I immediately blamed everything on work, career building, business worries, but over time I realized that something was wrong in my life, everything was not like others. It is impossible to put into words my state of mind at that time. Everything that happened to me, my state of mind led me to Elena. Or rather, my tears and whining led to a pleasant company in the role of a friend and a bottle of good wine. A friend shared Elena's contacts and told me to contact her. When I shared my problem with Elena, she promised to help me and figure out what the problem was. Which happened a week later. Elena informed me that I was being corrupted and who had put it on me. Elena immediately reassured me that it could be removed in a few weeks, after which, of course, I agreed to conduct the necessary ceremony. In response to the offender, Elena conducted a more powerful ritual and inflicted retaliatory damage, conducted a ritual to Punish the offender.. That's how I taught my abuser a lesson. About 3 months later, I met a man who asked me to marry him 3 months later, and I've been dreaming about it for so many years!!!!!! I highly recommend Elena.
2024-12-07 06:15:00
You know, it was difficult to write this review, after the betrayals that I had to go through in my life. And only one person was able to help me in my situation, it was Elena. She helped me when I really needed help. I do not know how I could have survived the series of misfortunes and troubles, but I overcame it all with the necessary and strong support. For a whole year, I've been looking for someone who can figure out what's really going on, what's wrong with my life and why I'm unlucky in many matters. I was fired from my job, although at first they promised a salary increase, and then I was fired.… Okay, there's no money. Some kind of past unclosed loan surfaced, on which interest ran up, and then my girlfriend and my boyfriend betrayed me.... A friend took my boyfriend away, it turns out they dated for a year behind my back. When I shared my problem with Elena, she said she would definitely help me and figure out what the problem was. A week later, she revealed the truth that I have been suffering from a long-term blight that prevents me from living and breathing freely, which is why I have suffered a series of misfortunes. By the way, all these troubles started because of my friend, who is taking revenge on me in this way, first spoiling, then stealing the guy. Elena offered to carry out the work as follows: she conducted a ritual to remove the damage, and so that my abuser and hater would no longer interfere in my life, she conducted a powerful ritual in response to Punish the offender and bring the damage. And yes, I didn't bring the guy back. I don't need someone who fell for another girl. A month after the ritual, I began to live freely, to breathe deeply. I can recommend Elena to anyone without remorse. Good luck to everyone.
2024-12-01 05:00:00